Intensity Global is bringing to the market its Intelligence and Attack solution, which focuses on the organization’s assets that depend on connections to external domains and services, most of which are not under your control.

The Intelligence and Attack solution helps your organization identify and remediate real-world unknown security vulnerabilities by monitoring the connections and assets, while considering the organization’s cyberspace supply chain.

Our world class fully automated solution runs seamlessly and safely from the cloud and requires no local installation.

It protects your organization by providing continuous discovery of assets and their connections, and monitors web, cloud, DNS and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Main benefits include:

  • Mapping of your organization’s internal and external security connections.
  • Monitoring your organization for threats from connected external domains and services, while automatically adding new
    assets and connections.
  • We address and provide remediation to vulnerabilities that result from misconfigurations outside of your organization.
Discover threats in your cyberspace ecosystem for free now!
24-hour discovery and monitoring of your cyberspace ecosystem, no local installation or credentials required